Syntonic Light Therapy

While the concept of using light as a therapeutic treatment for visual dysfunctions may be unfamiliar to some, syntonic light therapy has been used successfully by optometrists for decades. It involves the use of specific wavelengths and frequencies of light as a tool to achieve greater balance in the body’s regulatory centers, or nervous system.

Over the years, this unique, non-invasive therapy has proven to be a highly effective treatment option for addressing a variety of vision problems, including strabismus, amblyopia and focusing/convergence problems. When administered under the guidance of a trained neuro-optometrist, syntonic phototherapy can also be useful in the treatment of learning disorders, brain injuries and concussions.

How Does Syntonic Light Therapy Work?

When light enters the eye, it travels through the brain to the hypothalamus and pineal gland, both of which are responsible for the body’s hormonal and chemical balance. Manually applying light to these areas can help to stimulate the brain and restore balance to the body. This state of balance is referred to as ‘syntony.’

The process of syntonic light therapy involves the use of specially designed goggles and colored lights to stimulate the appropriate nervous system response for optimal function. The color or combinations of colors used, as well as the number and duration of sessions, will depend on the patient’s specific needs and condition. Once sufficient balance is achieved, the results are typically long-lasting and can be significant.

Benefits of Light Therapy

Light therapy has been shown to achieve a variety of positive results, including but not limited to:

  • Improved visual contrast and acuity
  • Enhanced visual attention
  • Less eye strain
  • Reduced light/allergic sensitivity
  • Improved quality of sleep and digestion

​​​​​​​Syntonic light therapy is often used in combination with glasses, optical aids and other vision therapy services. To learn more about this innovative treatment option or to schedule a comprehensive visual evaluation for yourself or your child, contact The Center for Vision Development today.