Specialty Lenses

Light sensitivity – clinically referred to as photophobia – is a common condition that can interfere with everyday activities, such as driving. Photophobia can be caused by a variety of different things, including genetic conditions as well as inflammation. It can also be triggered by a head injury, such as a concussion, and is often seen in patients who spend a great deal of time staring at a computer or device screen.

At The Center for Vision Development, our team is highly skilled at diagnosing the underlying neurological causes of light sensitivity so that the condition can be treated in the most effective manner possible. In most cases, the use of special prescription lenses, including Fl41 and other tints, can offer significant improvement.

​​​​​​​If you’ve been having difficulty seeing clearly and believe it may be due to a sensitivity to light, the first step toward successful treatment is a professional consultation. Contact our office right away to book an appointment.