Neuro Vision Rehabilitation

Neuro vision rehabilitation is a process designed to restore visual skills and abilities that have been impaired, either by an acquired brain injury or other neuro-related disability. Specifically, this type of rehabilitation addresses the underlying conditions that can cause symptoms such as double vision, blurred vision, headaches, visual fatigue, eyestrain, difficulty tracking, balance dysfunction and challenges with visual processing.

When administered by an experienced neuro-optometric professional, vision rehabilitation can provide a path to clear, comfortable vision. Rather than training a patient to simply compensate and live with the problem, neuro vision rehabilitation provides noticeable, sustainable improvements and, in many cases, permanent recovery.

Just as an individual who has suffered an injury elsewhere on the body or faces the challenges of a physical disability may benefit greatly from physical therapy, vision rehabilitation can help patients overcome visual deficits that are a direct result of disabilities, injuries to the brain and other neurological insults.

Some of the conditions that can be managed or overcome through vision rehabilitation include:

  • Acquired Strabismus
  • Diplopia
  • Binocular Dysfunction
  • Convergence
  • Oculomotor Dysfunction
  • Visual-Spatial Dysfunction
  • Visual Perceptual and Cognitive Deficits
  • Traumatic Visual Acuity Loss

Candidates for neuro vision rehabilitation include, but are not limited to:

  • Post-Concussion Patients
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
  • Post-Stroke Patients
  • Patients with Degenerative Conditions
  • Individuals in Supportive Therapies

Vision changes that occur due to trauma can be incredibly complex, which is why it’s critical that your vision rehabilitation is overseen and carried out by a professional who is experienced in the realm of neuro-optometry.

​​​​​​​If you or someone you love suffers from a neuro-related disability or recently experienced some type of brain or head injury, and you’ve noticed any
of the symptoms listed above, contact us to schedule a professional consultation and see if neuro vision rehabilitation could help.