The American Optometric Association (AOA) is the leading authority on quality care and an advocate for our nation’s health, representing more than 44,000 doctors of optometry (O.D.), optometric professionals and optometry students. As primary healthcare providers, doctors of optometry have extensive, ongoing training to examine, diagnose, treat and manage ocular disorders, diseases and injuries and systemic diseases that manifest in the eye. To learn more about the AOA, please visit the link provided.
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The Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Association (NORA) is an inter-disciplinary group of professionals dedicated to providing patients who have physical or cognitive disabilities as a result of an acquired brain injury with a complete ocular health evaluation and optimum visual rehabilitation education and services to improve their quality of life. Their mission is to increase awareness of and access to neuro-optometric rehabilitation services, advance professional knowledge and understanding of neuro-optometric care, and team approach among all professionals who provide rehabilitative services to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Visit the NORA website for more information.
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The Optometric Vision and Development Rehabilitation Association (OVDR) is an inter-disciplinary group of professionals dedicated to providing patients who have physical or cognitive disabilities as a result of an acquired brain injury with a complete ocular health evaluation and optimum visual rehabilitation education and services to improve their quality of life. Their mission is to increase awareness of and access to neuro-optometric rehabilitation services, advance professional knowledge and understanding of neuro-optometric care, and team approach among all professionals who provide rehabilitative services to individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Visit the OVDR website for more information.
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The Optometric Extension Program Foundation (OEPF) is an international organization dedicated to the advancement of optometry through the gathering and sharing of information on vision and the visual process. OEPF has always been built upon clinicians sharing with clinicians, veteran practitioners guiding those new to the profession or new to behavioral vision care and is the only optometric foundation that publishes specialized books and journals for the profession. Visit the link provided for more information.
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The College of Syntonic Optometry is an active and growing post-graduate educational organization with branches in Australia, Europe, Mexico, and Great Britain. Established in 1933, its members include optometrists and other health professionals and supporters from around the world. Those who achieve a clinical level of experience and mastery are awarded the status of Fellow. Visit the link provided to learn more about the CSO.
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VT Parents Unite is a group designed for parents who recognize the tremendous benefits of vision therapy and are passionate about making sure all those who need it know about it and can access it. The group’s primary mission is to raise awareness of: the symptoms for proper and timely diagnosis; the benefits of VT within the community; and the level of knowledge and coverage by insurance companies across the United States. Click the link to join VT Parents Unite on Facebook.
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