As a parent, you know your child better than anyone. You celebrate their milestones, help them through challenges, and notice when something doesn’t seem quite right. But what if the struggle isn’t with learning, attention, or coordination—but with vision?
Not all vision problems are about blurry eyesight. Some involve how the eyes work together, process visual information, and support overall development. These functional vision problems often go unnoticed in routine eye exams yet can significantly impact reading, focus, coordination, and even behavior. If your child is experiencing unexplained difficulties at school or in daily activities, here are five subtle signs that may indicate a vision issue.
Does your child avoid reading, lose their place often, or seem to struggle with comprehension? Many parents assume these challenges are related to attention or learning differences, but they can also stem from a vision issue. When the eyes don’t track smoothly across a page or struggle to focus, reading becomes exhausting. Children may skip words, re-read lines, or simply give up out of frustration.
If your child frequently complains of headaches, particularly after school or screen time, their eyes may be working harder than they should. Issues like poor eye teaming (how the eyes work together) or focusing problems can cause discomfort, leading to complaints of tired eyes, rubbing their eyes often, or even avoiding tasks that require sustained attention.
If your child seems to trip or bump into things more often than expected, struggles with catching a ball, or has difficulty with tasks like handwriting or cutting with scissors, it may be due to visual-motor difficulties. The eyes and brain must communicate effectively for smooth movement and coordination. When there’s a disconnect, even everyday activities can feel more challenging.
Does your child focus well on activities like building with blocks or outdoor play but lose interest quickly when it comes to reading, puzzles, or homework? This could be a sign of a functional vision issue. Many children with vision problems are mistakenly labeled as having attention difficulties when, in reality, their eyes aren’t working efficiently, making visual tasks more tiring than they should be.
Children often adapt to vision problems in ways that seem small but are actually red flags. If your child tilts their head, covers one eye when reading, or closes one eye in bright light, they may be compensating for an eye alignment issue or double vision. These habits can indicate a deeper problem with eye teaming or depth perception.
If any of these signs sound familiar, your child may benefit from a developmental vision evaluation. Unlike a standard eye exam, which primarily checks for clarity of vision (nearsightedness or farsightedness), a developmental vision exam looks at how the eyes work together, track movement, and process visual information. Based on the results, we will create a personalized treatment plan to strengthen your child’s visual skills and support their success in school and daily activities.
At The Center for Vision Development, we help families in Annapolis and the surrounding areas get to the root of these challenges through specialized evaluations and vision therapy. Our goal is to empower children with the visual skills they need to succeed in school and life.
If you suspect your child may have an undiagnosed vision issue, schedule a consultation with The Center for Vision Development, and take the first step toward helping them see and learn with confidence. Visit our primary location in Annapolis, Maryland, or call (410) 268-4393 to book an appointment today.